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Thankfulness ~ A Cure for the Season?

Writer's picture: Alicia ReaganAlicia Reagan

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years ~ I love that the holiday season starts with thankfulness! In our day, many times Thanksgiving is observed as a day to eat turkey, take a nap and watch football, go hunting or plan your Black Friday shopping. Not that any of those things are wrong, but what are we missing an amazing benefit of Thanksgiving?

Winter is around the corner, and for many, that means a seasonal depression is coming on. Christmas will be here in a few more weeks and many dread this holiday. Statistically, depression and suicide are very high around Christmas. The New Year will be here shortly and with it comes high resolve to change some things…finally! Only to find, that for most of us, that resolve doesn’t last long and you feel even worse about yourself.

How about if we just stopped and thought about this day called Thanksgiving as a great vaccine to fight against all of those above symptoms? I don’t think we do that very much. I believe we go through this day laughing with family – which is awesome. I believe we eat our yummy food -which is delicious. I believe we watch, or play, or engage in our games and hobbies – which is fun. I believe we strategize – which is brilliant. But…do we actually stop and give thanks. Are we arming ourselves to face the days ahead with the proper ammunition?

Thankfulness has amazing benefits!

  1. Bratty kids demanding or complaining about presents? Give them a dose of thankfulness. Any present is better than none.

  2. Spouses with hurt feelings about presents? Try a dose of thankfulness. At least that spouse tried!

  3. Family out of sorts with one another? Try a dose of thankfulness. Thank God for those you get to be with.

  4. Health not where you wish it was? Try a dose of thankfulness. Cemeteries are full of people who had it worse than you.

  5. Feeling alone? Try a dose of thankfulness. God is always with you and you are never alone.

  6. Out of money? Try a dose of thankfulness. Since when has money equaled happiness. Find other ways to show love.

  7. New Year discouragement? Try a dose of thankfulness. It is not all about you. Serve someone else and you will be cured.

  8. In a funk? Try a dose of thankfulness. We all get there. Thankfulness really does work.

We should not focus on feeling thankful. We should focus on being thankful. When you are intentionally thankful (whether you feel it or not), you will start feeling that way too. And it feels really, really good.

So, make your list today. Then, live focusing on that list. What are you thankful for?

May each of you truly have a very happy holiday season and may it all start today. Happy Thanksgiving!


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