Music speaks to my soul. David encouraged himself in the Lord and I have no doubt, that as a musician, music was one of chief weapons against discouragement. This series will highlight songs that have comforted my soul.

I have been using this CBD mixture (CBD oil, frankincense, Holy Basil) for well over a year now. I have been able to get completely off my Baclofen (a neuro depressant for my wild bedtime spasms). It has helped my spasms to be manageable, it has helped me be able to get deep sleep, and it has helped me to wake up rested…actually rested…and ready for the day!
Having a spinal cord injury, my sensation is very weird. At times I think hot water is being poured down my left leg and I grab my leg wondering why I am wet, but I am dry as can be and once again, my “feelings” have deceived me.
When I wake up in the morning, my “sensation” is that I am a twisted pretzel. My hands are fisted up and very tight, I feel that someone has braided my legs and they are all in knots. My insides feel so tight that it is hard to get a deep breath. I feel like someone has wrapped my body in tight elastic from my neck down. My body is zapping lightning bolts and intense buzzing and begging for relief from laying down.
I wake and start thinking through what is reality (hands are drawn and tight) and what is not (my legs are not braided…they are still where I put them, I am not wrapped in elastic). I start stretching my hands to get them to wake up for the day and then reach over and grab my CBD salve apply to my hands and spinal cord. In about 30 minutes, I am able to get out of bed and start my day. Oh what a miracle salve that has been to me!
Until this happens…

Do you know how quickly my life gets complicated when I run out of this stuff!? I feel horrible. My body feels horrible. My sleep is disrupted. My body won’t cooperate with me! My fatigue is overwhelming.
Recently I was out for over 3 weeks. I thought that I would probably be okay because I had done so well for so long. But, day by day I felt worse and worse. I ordered more and within 2 days, my body was so thankful for the relief it found.
May I share how the Lord brought this home to me? My Balm in Gilead reminded me again, as He often does in life, that He makes all things better. He brings rest. He brings comfort. He brings relief from pain. He renews my strength. But the most wonderful and precious thing is that He never runs out! He is always available and never ending. Oh what a precious Balm for me.
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.
Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my work’s in vain. But then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.