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God Made These Bumps

Writer's picture: Alicia ReaganAlicia Reagan

I took my sweet little Macey to the doctor today. It was just me and her. She sat in the front seat next to me as she wanted to be near me. Bless her heart, she felt so bad. Her tonsisl are all big and swollen and she moaned everytime she swallowed. I wanted to hold her hand as we drove but I couldn’t because I need both of my hands to drive!

As we were coming back home, we took Highway 247. This road has been named “The Roller Coaster Road” by our family because of its many dips and turns. Some of the dips are very fun to drive over as they move your stomach up into your throat. On a normal trip, the children squeal with delight as I love to hit those hills just a little hard to scare them to death!

Today as we were driving home, I knew Macey was feeling bad so I was taking it easy on that road. We went over the best spot and Macey had a little smile on her face. Actually, it was one of the few smiles I have seen all day on my normally bubbly girl. As she smiled, she looked over at me and said, “God made those bumps, I just know it.” I smiled and said, “Yes, honey, He did.”

I got to thinking about that the rest of my drive home. “Did God make those bumps?” Well, technically, the road crew made them. But God did make the hills, and he made men with the ability to carve those roads out. So, in a round about way, I was telling Macey the truth. God did make those bumps. I also started thinking about how fun it is to go over those bumps. I love that feeling you get in your stomach. My hubby, on the other hand, does not! I remembered how in our recent airplane flight, the turbulence and bumps that we felt in the air. I did not like those bumps! My hubby seemed calm as a cucumber and my stomach was feeling very nervous! However, the same God that made the fun bumps made those bumps too.

Why do I like road bumps but not air bumps? Because on the road bumps, I am in control and so it is fun. On the air bumps, I am very much out of control so it is scary. Isn’t that just like life? We think, as we travel along, that we are so very much in control and we handle the little bumps along the way as no big deal because we’ve got it all covered. But when we hit a bump that shows us that we are completely out of control, then we are scared to death.

Let us all remember, my dear friends, that God made these bumps in our lives. Maybe He didn’t initiate all of them, but He has allowed them so in a round about way, He is still in control of every single bump we hit. We need these bumps because we need Him. We aren’t in control of anything. He is in control of everything and always has been. The fearful times are when this truth is revealed to us and we need that reminder. Otherwise, we are cocky and self-centered and are quite sure that we have the world by the tail.

I need Him. You need Him. Yes, I agree with Macey. “God made these bumps. I just know it.”


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